Seoul, South Korea
Korea Zero Waste Movement Network, Consortium of NGOs

The Korea Zero Waste Movement Network (KZWMN) is an NGO that was established to solve the issues of waste due to rapid urbanization in Seoul, South Korea. The organization started with 31 grass roots organizations in 1997, and expanded to include 180 organizations that focus on intersecting issues, from environmental issues to women’s rights. The NGO supports ecological waste treatments by offering research and policy advice to the federal and local government, working with international governments on waste-related issues, and decreasing waste from citizens as an intermediary between citizens and the government to encourage recycling. On the ground, KZWMN has organized deposits for shopping bags to decrease the use of disposable shopping bags, and reduce waste at events that have typically generated significant amounts of garbage, such as sports events and popular vacation spots. In 2005, KZWMN successfully campaigned to eliminate food waste from landfills through a comprehensive food waste treatment plan that composts food waste. At restaurants and in residences, excess food is placed into biodegradable food waste bags that are weighed using RFID technology, which is billed to each resident. Restaurants and individuals are billed by the weight of their food waste at the end of each month, and the waste itself is used as compost for urban gardens or animal feed, and is estimated to save up to $600,000 annually. The cost of the biodegradable bags pays for 60% of the program.

1997 - ongoing
149600 acres
205 feet above sea level

tags: waste reduction, mitigationsocialNGO-driven, training program, communicationpollution, landscape metricsAsiaEast PalearcticTemperate Forest


Galchen, Rivka. "How South Korea Is Composting Its Way to Sustainability." The New Yorker. 2 March 2020. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/03/09/how-south-korea-is-composting-its-way-to-sustainability.
Moun, Doon. Zero Waste cities Asia Series: Seoul, South Korea. Manila: Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, 2019.

